Many people will have seen the video of a mother "disciplining" her three year old daughter by turning a car wash power hose on the child. [I won't put the video on the blog but click on the link to see it.] The mother is now due to be charged with child abuse.
I love my children, but I know that they will do things that at best are frustrating to adults and at worst will make an adult angry. But it has to be the rule that you exercise restraint with a child.
Here I am with my computer at home. Three days ago I was trying to install software I had just received. I slotted the CD into the CD drive. "Grrrnnnnnkkkkk.....dggggnnnnkkk." That is not a good sound. I tried to eject the CD, and thankfully out it came. I tried again with the second CD of the set. "Grrrnnnnnkkkkk.....dggggnnnnkkk. Gnnkaakkxxxkkkk" I got the second time. Hmm. This sounds serious. So, I try to eject again, and again it works, but I get a bonus. My PC has been moonlighting in Las Vegas and out popped small winnings in the form of a Bajan 10 cent coin. I now understood the "tummy ache" little iMac was having. One more try with the CD. Again that grating sound. I think that there are more winnings to come.
Ever the one to let a person have their day in court I asked my daughter if she had put anything into the computer. "No, Daddy" she said. Always believe your child. But I asked again. "Do you know anyone who might have put something in the computer?" She paused. "Yes. Skitter." I tried to hold the smile that was as big as the Cheshire cat's grin. "Oh, really? He's a clever cat if he can use his paws that way" I eventually said. So, I let the matter (and the pennies) drop.
The next day, after court had had a good recess I went back to cross-examination. "Listen, Chippy. Nothing will happen if you tell me it was you who put something in the computer. I just need to know what it is and how much is in the machine." I sensed that the prospects of years of hard labour eating licorice ice cream that had terrified my daughter were dissolving and her fears were gone. "It was me, but it was just one coin" she assured me.
Fast forward to today. I called Apple and discussed the problem with a technician and then tried to re-insert a CD while we were still in conversation. The CD just went half way in. Not good, I thought. A little push, not too hard. No joy. "Listen," I said to him, "I think there's something else in the drive." We agreed I would find a local repairer and see if we could get the object out.
But as I say often, every problem is a challenge. So, I turned the machine on its side {iMacs are cool as they are one piece--screen and hard drive all in one], and in a jiffy out rolled the rest of the Las Vegas "posse", this time 25 cents. I tried to insert the CD again, and within seconds the program started to install, and during the writing of this post the installation was complete. I just ejected the CD, smoothly. No need for computer Bisodol.
So, what should I do to teach my child a good lesson? I will not be getting a hose and pinning her to the wall with it. I will give her a hug, show her what I found and tell her that she has to just be honest and deal with the conseuences. For her, what was the problem? Daddy puts a round object into the slot and we see movies and play games on the computer. So, if I put a smaller round object in, one that is child sized, what will I see? Certain not Daddy in a rage.
Macquarie, MEIF 2 & NCP Group: 'long term' can't fix overpaying
*Now Capitalized Prudently*A decade ago this entry chronicling the
incredible chase for the UK’s NCP Group’s car parks by private equity was
published. Ma...
8 years ago
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