In the Bahamas, people love conch! Fresh, uncooked conch is delicious when prepared in one of the traditional Bahamian ways. One favourite ("scored" or "scorched conch") has the conch meat scored with a knife, and lime (and sometimes orange) juice, onions, tomatoes, celery, sweet pepper, fresh hot pepper are sprinkled over the meat. "Conch salad" is similar, but the conch is diced. But there is also conch chowder; conch fritters (see picture, where it accompanied by the traditional dip); stewed conch; steamed conch; and conch pasta (which I personally have never had).

Conch reputedly has amazing aphrodisiac properties. Now, why should that make it popular? But, now that this is out in the open so to speak, it could put a rush on ahead of the last days of Crop Over. Still much wuk fi do. But, while Bajans are wuking themselves up over conch, we have to say that they not eating the real t'ing, man.
The article mentions that the Barbados' Ministry of the Environment and UWI researchers are studying conch habitation areas. They better work fast as I fear that they molluscs may start crawling north to the colder waters of the Bahamas, where they know that they will be met with open mouths, if not open arms.
1 comment:
Wow! Sounds like Therese's mom and aunts need to come visit and show them how to cook the conch! We miss you all. Fond memories of conch chowder and johnny cake by the fireside linger...
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